Advantages and disadvantages of drinking green tea

Advantages and disadvantages of drinking green tea

Consumption of green tea is considered to be very beneficial to health. Many people consume green tea to lose weight. But eating green tea not only reduces weight, but drinking green tea is often beneficial to health. Many diseases are also conquered by drinking one or two cups of green tea daily. Because green tea is rich in antioxidants. In addition, green tea contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B5, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, selenium, chromium, zinc, caffeine and manganese, proving that it is very beneficial in health. it happens. But green tea should be consumed in moderation, if overused, it can be detrimental to your health. Know the ros and cons of drinking green tea.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Drinking Green Tea

benefits of drinking green tea

obesity is controlled
Obesity is the root of many diseases. It is therefore very important to control it. Green tea seems to be very beneficial in controlling obesity. Because the anti-oxidants found in green tea help in weight loss by increasing metabolism. Therefore, people who want to lose weight, should drink one or two cups of green tea daily.

Cholesterol is controlled

Consumption of green tea is considered to be very beneficial for the heart. Because drinking green tea reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body. As a result, the risk of heart attack is also greatly reduced.

infection is strong

Eating green tea strengthens immunity. Because green tea is full of antioxidant properties. If a person drinks green tea every day, then immunity is strengthened. Therefore, people who are often sick, should eat a cup of green tea.

beneficial for the skin

The use of green tea is also considered to be very beneficial for the skin. Because antioxidants are present in green tea.
Therefore, drinking green tea removes skin problems. Along with this, drinking green tea also eliminates the complaint of bumps and damaged cells.

It keeps blood pressure under control

Consumption of green tea is considered to be very beneficial for patients with high blood pressure. If patients with high blood pressure consume a cup of green tea daily, this keeps blood pressure under control.

beneficial for hair

 The use of green tea is also considered very beneficial for hair. Because green tea contains powerful antioxidants. Its use makes hair healthier. Along with this, the problem of hair loss is also reduced.
Oral and dental infections are eliminated

 Consumption of green tea is considered to be very beneficial for teeth and mouth. Because many nutrients are present in green tea, which eliminates harmful bacteria that are present inside the mouth. As a result, dental problems were treated.
Advantages and disadvantages of drinking green tea

unhealthy drinking of green tea

Eating too much green tea can cause insomnia. Because the amount of caffeine is found in green tea.
Abdominal pain and vomiting may be due to excessive use of green tea.
Pregnant women should not consume too much green tea. Because it contains caffeine.
People who suffer from migraine, should not eat too much green tea.
People with anemia i.e. anemia. They should not eat too much green tea.

Disclaimer: This item, which includes advice, provides general information only. It is by no means a place for medical opinion. Always consult your specialist or doctor for more details. Sportskeeda Hindi does not claim any responsibility for this information.